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Leo Adam Biga is an Omaha author and journalist. His previous books include Alexander Payne: His Journey in Film and Memories of the Jewish Midwest: Mom and Pop Grocery Stores. His award-winning cultural journalism appears in many publications. Assignments take him across America and overseas. He has traveled to California to cover Oscar-winning filmmaker Alexander Payne. He covered the 2009 Barack Obama presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C. He made a baseball tour of the Midwest. He recently went to Uganda and Rwanda, Africa as the Andy Award winner for international journalism from his alma mater, the University of Nebraska at Omaha. 


He has a new nonfiction history book in the works. His Nebraska Film Heritage Project is in development. 


Sample Biga's work at or 


He is available as a public speaker and workshop presenter.


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Very special thank you to my great friend and talented writer Leo Adam Biga for helping me write this book and make it a reality.



    © 2017 Kenneth Vavrina

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